Macau NightBook is a phone book of the nightclubs in Macau.
A complete list containing the address and the telephone number of the nightclubs (Karaoke and Disco) in Macau.
You can search for the nightclubs by name, check the address and make a call immediately.
* Complete list of the nightclubs in Macau
* Nightclubs Chinese name and English (Portuguese) name
* Nightclubs Chinese address and English (Portuguese) address
* Nightclubs telephone number
* Search the nightclubs by name (in Chinese, English or Portuguese )
* Make a call in one click
Macau NightBook 是一個澳門夜店電話簿。
Macau NightBook 有齊全澳門所有夜店(卡啦OK和Disco)的電話號碼和地址,其中的搜尋功能讓您可以很方便地搜尋任何一間夜店,以及查詢夜店的電話和地址。您亦可以即時致電相關夜店。
* 完整的澳門夜店列表
* 夜店的中文名稱及英文(葡文)名稱
* 夜店的中文地址及英文(葡文)地址
* 按夜店的中文名稱或英文(葡文)名稱搜尋
* 夜店的電話號碼
* 即時撥號
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